To 15-Months 1

This page and the "To 15-Months 2" is my attempt to catch up to all that Elijah has been doing since I last updated the web site.  Pretty impossible with such an amazing, brave and beautiful little boy.  Enjoy!

*  After clicking on a thumbnail, use your BACK button to return to the gallery

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Elijah's first Halloween
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Mom and baby dragon
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That's Proud-feet!
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The better to hear you with
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Elijah and auntie Dana
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This could be the start of something beautiful
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In San Diego at the sea
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Playing with PJ
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Rip tide? Fooey!
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With Angie at the sea in S.D.
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Hangin' with the Smith family
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Jetsetting to N.J. with mom 
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In Grandpop's lair
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With Granddad and Mary
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Its cold in N.J.
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Winter in Stanton
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Tractors are cool
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This isn't my crib!
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So, this is snow!
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Elijah's goes sledding
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Love in Grandma's eyes
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That crazy Dave
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One cute naked baby
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I'm not sitting on the couch!
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I want seats in the first row!
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Father's loving embrace
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What did mom say?
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Ever been to Hawaii before?  Me either.
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Is it safe?
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What the hell mom!?!
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Kickin' it with PJ in S.D.
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What a good looking group
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The Santia's stopped by
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The Santia family
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Elijah and Louis
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Summer in the Bay
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Diggin' the view
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Action Jackson lives again!
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A hazard to himself
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In Humboldt with Tom and Sue
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At least somebody in the family is artistic!
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God's gift to me
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Humboldt smile
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Water, good
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Captain Elijah commanding the poop deck