To 15-Months 2

This page and the "To 15-Months 1" is my attempt to catch up to all that Elijah has been doing since I last updated the web site.  Pretty impossible with such an amazing, brave and beautiful little boy.  Enjoy!

*  After clicking on a thumbnail, use your BACK button to return to the gallery

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Amy and Elijah at PJ and Karin's wedding

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The artist and his pudding
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Who painted who?
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In Hawaii in grandmom's kitchen
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In Hawaii riding on Daddy's back
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The happy family in Hawaii with grandmom
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Loving family and a view!
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This boy does NOT fear water!
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And a winning smile
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Tennis balls, yum at his first birthday party
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Me don't need no stinkin' fork
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Birthday parties are fun!
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Is that watermelon in your poop?
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Ah the Humboldt life
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Humboldt been very very good to us
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That mommy is just plain crazy!
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He's growing up right before our eyes!
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Happy boy
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Is this art?
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Use the force Luke